Facilities and Staff


 Treatments Offered



Sanjeevani Foundation

 Case Studies


Sanjeevani Ayurveda Yoga Centre is an out-patient facility. Sanjeevani Ayurveda Vaidyasala is a 40 bedded hospital.

The work at Sanjeevani is in the hands of dedicated team of Ayurveda Vaidyas & Yoga instructors.

Meet the team

  • Dr PLT Girija - Chief Physician
  • Anupama Joseph - Administrator
  • Dr. Arathy Shyam - Ayurveda Doctor
  • Dr. Pallavi Naik - Ayurveda Doctor
  • Dr. Monica.D - Ayurveda Doctor
  • Dr. Ajanthapriyadharshini - Ayurveda Doctor
  • Dr. K.Kowsalya - Ayurveda Doctor
  • Shri T.M.Mukundan - Yoga Instructor and Ayurveda Scholar

Dr PLT Girija, after a M.Phil  Degree in Sociology from JNU, Delhi, graduated with BAMS degree from Venkataramana Ayurveda College, Chennai, one of the reputed institutions in the country. In her studies and early practice, she was guided by some of the most distinguished Ayurveda Acharyas of Chennai. In 1990, she started Sanjeevani with a deep conviction that our ancient heritage of Ayurveda is the most efficacious of all the medical systems and is capable of effectively meeting all the healthcare needs of our society.

She has held position of Honorary teacher in Ayurveda colleges in Chennai.

An ayurvedic practitioner for nearly 40 years, Dr. P.L.T. Girija, head of Sanjeevani Ayurveda Yoga Centre, has been treating successfully large number of patients along purely Ayurvedic lines. She is a consultant to Health System Development Project of Government of Tamil Nadu. She has been a consultant and trainer to Reproductive and Child Health program of Indian System of Medicine of government of Tamil Nadu. She has also been a consultant to Tamil Nadu Government for Mainstreaming of Ayurveda. She has authored a tamil book titled “Ayulai Valarkkum Ayurvedam” and has also contributed in many magazines, journals and newspapers on diverse topics in Ayurveda. She was conferred “Best Doctor Award” in December 2012 by Tamil Nadu M.G.R Medical University.

Dr. Girija has been practising ayurveda under the name Sanjeevani Ayurveda Yoga Centre for the past 22 years. With a firm conviction about the efficacy of applying Ayurveda ONLY for all chronic and acute cases , she heads a team of young Ayurvedic doctors. She is consultant to TamilNadu Government in health System Development Project. She has trained around 2500 Village Health Nurses in Maternal and Child Health using Ayurvedic Practices. For the sake of that, she developed a kit containing 50 drugs consisting Ayurveda and siddha medicines along with the manuals. Her strong voice against the use of episiotomy through the newsletters published by Sanjeevani Ayurveda Foundation reverberated in the Tamilnadu Public Health arena and hence its senseless usage is brought to a nil at the Institute of Public Health. An english book titled "Jeevani - Ayurveda for women" authored by her was released in 2013.

She hopes to establish an Ayurvedic centre which will be a home for all the eight limbs of Ashtanga Ayurveda.                          


Schedule of Dr PLT Girija

Sanjeevani Ayurveda & Yoga Centre

Start Time End Time Days Appointment and Walk in Policy
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
10:00AM 1:00PM
By appointment only
5:00PM 8:00PM
By appointment only

Sanjeevani Ayurveda Vaidyasala

Start Time End Time Days Appointment and Walk in Policy
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
9:30AM 12:00PM
By appointment only


Sanjeevani Ayurveda Yoga Centre

Old No. 63, Kamaraj Avenue, 1st Street, Kasturba Nagar, Adyar, Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India - 600020.

Telephone : +91-44-24414244 / 24405106

Email : sanjeevanifoundation@gmail.com

Sanjeevani Ayurveda VaidyaSala

No: 1/341 Gangai Amman Koil Street, Injambakkam, East Coast Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India - 600041.

Telephone : 9500071332


Sanjeevani Ayurveda Vaidyasala :

A fully equipped forty bed hospital. The Vaidyasala is a natural extension of 25 years of work done at Sanjeevani, in Adyar and Neelankarai. It is envisioned as a place for the practice of pure Ayurveda and a move towards building a strong Ayurveda medical tradition in Chennai for future generations. The Vaidyasala has competent and dedicated doctors and staff to take care of in-patient treatments and out-patient consultations. Treatments are offered for all diseases, acute and chronic. Sanjeevani aims to be a centre of excellence in the study, work and research of Ayurveda for students and fresh graduates. It hopes to instill in them the confidence to practice the science of Ayurveda to its fullest possible extent. Ayurveda has taken care of our people for millennia. It treats diseases safely and effectively. Sanjeevani Ayurveda and Yoga Centre was started with a view to also influence the healthcare policy so that Ayurveda is adopted as our principal medical system. The inauguration of the Vaidyasala is one further step in this direction.

In-patient treatments: All days of the week.

Out-patient consultations: Monday – Saturday, 9 am – 12 noon.


Shri T.M.Mukundan :

Shri T.M.Mukundan is a student of Shri T.K.V. Desikachar (Discple-son of Yogi Krishnamachari). An IIT Chennai Alumni, he holds a Masters Degree from University of California. After few years of work at Department of Humanities in IIT Chennai, he joined Krishnamachari Yoga Mandiram, Chennai desiring to learn the nuances of Yoga and thereafter became a teacher. He is a man of diverse interests and a voracious reader. Shri. Mukundan was in the team of PPST Foundation, Chennai and also Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), Chennai before joining Sanjeevani in 1992. Being an  Ayurveda Scholar and also well-versed in sanskrit, Sanjeevani is blessed with his service in both Ayurveda and Yoga.


